Premier calls in QRC for resource role in Queensland COVID-19 recovery
Published by John Williams,
Editorial Assistant
Global Mining Review,
The Queensland Resources Council will join the Premier’s Queensland Industry Recovery Alliance today to work with the Government to maximise the resource sector’s role in the State’s COVID-19 recovery.
QRC Chief Executive Ian Macfarlane said QRC, as the peak representatives for the state’s coal, metal, gas and oil producers, explorers and suppliers, and its members were well-placed to dedicate the resources sector to Queensland’s recovery.
“The resources industry has had to adapt to COVID-19. We have worked within the restrictions on worker movement to slow the spread and keep as many of the 372 000 Queenslanders who rely on us for their work and pay on the job,” he said.
“We have already been in talks with the government about the recovery and I look forward to joining the Premier on the Alliance today.
“Already, we have secured some interim relief for exploration companies that are the key to the new coal, metal, gas and oil discoveries. We have finalised an agreement to inject a jointly funded US$100 million into resource communities.
“Keeping us working keeps Queensland earning.
“Before COVID-19, we were injecting more than US$200 million (US$74 billion/yr) into the Queensland economy every day. Queensland needs as much of that money in our economy as we can.
“The resources sector can do more. The world needs more than ever what we have.
“Key areas where we will be working with the government is a streamlined approval process from the state and federal governments for new projects. Like any new infrastructure, mines need to pass the full environmental and economic assessments. But Queensland cannot afford these projects to languish in the ‘to be determined’ pile.
“The Federal Government approval of the Olive Downs coal mine in central Queensland last week is welcomed. It already had its Queensland Government approvals. As much as we can, we need to see these separate approval processes come together.
“More land releases for exploration and incentives for those companies, particularly the juniors, who will be the key to the new discoveries.”
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