September 2021
Global Mining Review’s September issue is packed full of the latest mining industry news and insights. Don’t miss this month’s special reports on India and Coal, as well as technical articles from TotalEnergies, The Copper mark, and more! This month’s front cover is provided by Jenmar Corp.
This month's front cover is brought to you by Jennmar Corp.
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Editor’s Comment
World News
Creating A Favourable Future
Anuj Mudaliar, Fact.MR, India, discusses new reforms proposed and implemented by the government for the mining industry in India, with a focus on regional and operational drivers, restraints, and opportunities.
Complicating Coal Markets
Jake Horslen, Argus Media, UK, explores how China’s diplomatic spat with Australia is complicating the global coal market’s recovery from COVID-19.
Responding Rapidly To Flotation Variability
Jacques Bezuidenhout, Nalco Water, USA, addresses why flotation circuits have to continually improve and adapt to the changing needs across mineral processing operations.
Measure For Measure In Real Time
Henry Kurth, Scantech International Pty Ltd, Australia, provides insight into the role of advanced real-time measurement in mineral processing.
Mining With Machine Learning
Mikael Artursson, Minalyze Pty Ltd, Australia, considers why machine learning should be used in the mining industry.
How To Choose The Correct Grease
Pierre-Marie Maurice, Gautier Perrin, TotalEnergies Lubrifiants, Nicholas Thomas, TotalEnergies Oil Asia Pacific, and Tony Andreopoulos, TotalEnergies Oil Australia, review the importance of choosing the right grease for mining operations.
The Key To Grease Selection
Mark Guenther, A.W. Chesterton Co., USA, advocates for the use of key performance indicators for grease selection in mining applications.
Don’t Let Your Lubricants Lag Behind
Geoff Manley, Lubrication Engineering, Australia, explains how lubricant reliability can be improved by using a purpose-built lubrication storage and dispensing system.
Going Green
Caitlin McKinnon, Motion Metrics, Canada, discusses the importance of decarbonising operations in the transition to green technologies.
Reaching Sustainability Goals
Dr Niels Leemput, ENGIE Impact, Australia, outlines the four main strategies that mines can implement in order to set and attain achievable carbon goals.
Everyone’s Talking About Copper
Michèle Brülhart, The Copper Mark, Switzerland, examines the important role copper is playing in the global transition to a green economy, as well as some ways copper production itself can become greener still.
Preparing For The Underground Electric Revolution
Xavier Iraçabal, Saft, France, explores the growing advantages of battery electric power for underground mining vehicles and summarises key strategic choices in their charge management.
Integrate To Communicate
Christian Fimpler and Frank Kathmann, Eaton, explain how recent technological advances are making communicating underground more efficient and effective.
It’s All In The Drilling
Ceren Satirlar Balci, Barkom Group Drilling Rigs and Equipment, Turkey, outlines the importance of the feasibility stage and field investigations of the drilling sector to mining geoscience.
Making The Right Choice
Daniil Victorian, Doofor Inc., Finland, addresses how smart investment plans and the implementation of LEAN principles can help mining companies acquire the right mining equipment for them.
Putting Drones In The Picture
Eloise McMinn Mitchell, Pix4D, Switzerland, asks the question: what is the point of using a drone?
Setting A New Pace
Emily Loosli, Wingtra, Switzerland, identifies how drone mine surveys are setting a new pace for the industry, using a Canadian coal mine as an example.
Storage That Lasts
Rebecca Long Pyper, Dome Technology, USA, outlines how domes beat flat storage in longevity, strength, and capacity.
Collaboration Is Key
Sean Timmins, Orion, USA, considers five ways frontline collaboration is key to transforming mining operations.
The Connected Mine
James Trevelyan, Speedcast, UK, provides insight into how the Connected Mine can revolutionise the mining industry.
A Digital Two-Way Street
Mark Roberts and Rahul Suhane, Maptek, outline how digitalisation is the key to unlocking the value of drill and blast, and how all sources of data can be tracked upstream and downstream and integrated into a single source of truth.
Precision Presplitting Optimisation
Dr Anthony Konya and Dr Calvin Konya, Precision Blasting Services, review some new methods for precision presplitting optimisation.
Dry Backfill In Brazil
Breno Castilho, Raphael Costa, Evilmar Fonseca, and Paschoal Cataldi, Hydro, Brazil, consider dry backfill as an innovative approach to tailings management in Brazil.
Limiting The Risk Of Tailing Dams Failure
Rob Adam, AESSEAL, explores how re-evaluating the sealing methods on the pumps that feed slurry into the tailings dams is one way in which mining companies can better control water levels and mitigate against risk.
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