RNC Minerals reports new high-grade gold occurrence at Beta Hunt mine
Published by Claire Cuddihy,
Assistant Editor
Global Mining Review,
RNC Minerals (RNC) has announced another high-grade gold discovery at its Beta Hunt mine, where the company has encountered coarse gold in quartz veins on the level beneath the Father's Day Vein discovery.
An estimated 987 oz of coarse gold has been recovered in 238 kg of rock from a series of veins. The accuracy of this estimate at this stage is considered to be +10%/-25% based on the measurement of the estimated gold content for each of the samples by specific gravity determinations. RNC will provide a final estimate of ounces recovered once this material has been processed.
"We are thrilled to have encountered high-grade coarse gold in the area below the Father's Day Vein. This most recent discovery provides further support for our geological model that predicts that the areas where the mineralised shear zone and sedimentary sulfides intersect are capable of generating "Father's Day Vein" style coarse gold mineralisation, and proves that such areas extend at least 25 m below the Father's Day Vein discovery," said Mark Selby, President and CEO of RNC Minerals.
“We look forward to continued mining in this highly prospective area with the potential to find other veins containing coarse gold. As material developments occur, we will continue to update the market."
As noted in RNC's news release of 15 May 2019, mining has been advancing along the main A Zone shear on the 16 level toward a point approximately 25 m below the Father's Day Vein discovery on 15 Level. RNC's focus on mining on 16 level has been driven by RNC's geological model, which predicts that Father's Day Vein style coarse gold is likely to occur where mineralised shears intersect sedimentary sulfides and by the occurrence of a diamond drill intersection of 119 g/t over 6.40 m, including 1406 g/t over 0.50 m in hole AZ15-013 located 7 m below the Father's Day Vein occurrence.
The high-grade gold structures were encountered in the A Zone 16 level Ore Drive at the Beta Hunt mine as it entered the area where the down-plunge extensions of Father's Day Vein style mineralisation were projected to occur This is where the A Zone shear intersects sedimentary sulfides on the 16 level Ore Drive.
The veins that were discovered were mined out in the 16 level Ore Drive which will continue to advance through this area over the next several weeks. The material between the 16 level and the 15 level above will be mined when the 16 level Ore Drive has advanced sufficiently to allow efficient stoping of this part of the A Zone shear.
Read the article online at: https://www.globalminingreview.com/exploration-development/07062019/rnc-minerals-reports-new-high-grade-gold-occurrence-at-beta-hunt-mine/
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