AXT signs distribution contract with ELEMISSION
Published by Stephanie Roker,
Global Mining Review,
AXT has recently signed an exclusive distribution agreement with ELEMISSION. ELEMISSION is a Canadian-based company that lead the world in large-scale micro characterisation using continuous LIBS scanning technology. Its process analytical chemistry systems provide highly sensitive solutions for the minerals and alloy markets.
Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has been continually developed over many years, culminating in a Nobel Prize and use on the Mars Curiosity Rover. ELEMISSION have further refined the technology using the latest lasers and electronics resulting in real-time process analysers suited to industrial applications. ELEMISSION inc. has become the most rewarded LIBS manufacturer in the world with several distinctions and awards including Pittcon innovation award (2017), semi-finalist #DisruptMining 2018, among others.
Their automated industry 4.0 solutions have been robustly designed to operate 24 hr/d 7 in harsh operating conditions that often combine heat, humidity, dust and vibrations. This has seen them used in in on-belt analysers that carry out micro analysis on a macro scale. Areas of application include iron ore sinter plants, scrap aluminium sorting, mineral process monitoring, metal analysis high throughput elemental imaging, to name a few.
ELEMISSION have developed a number of platforms that can be tailored to suit the exact requirements of a given application. Examples include on-belt analysers, drill core, rocks/minerals and even slurries. In all cases, no sample preparation is required.
LIBS is an atomic emission spectroscopy (AES) technique. In entails zapping the surface of a sample with a laser. The resulting micro-plasma can be analysed using a spectrometer yielding quantitative elemental distributions down to ppb sensitivity. With the ability to analyse from 100 - 1000 points per second, their systems are suited to real-time analysis in industrial applications. With the ability to provide real-time feedback to process controllers, their implementation can increase plant efficiency and enhance product quality.
LIBS has the advantage over X-ray based techniques in that it can measure any element in the periodic table including light elements such as lithium, boron and phosphorous to high sensitivity. Furthermore, with the addition of sophisticated chemometric software, ELEMISSION LIBS systems also provide mineralogy, mineral chemistry in addition to elemental quantifications allowing you to distinguish between such minerals as hematite (Fe2O3) and goethite (FeO(OH)).
The ELEMISSION high throughput LIBS product lines further strengthen AXT’s minerals analysis portfolio. This portfolio includes handheld LIBS and XRF, high throughput XRF and XRD as well as automated mineralogy solutions.
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