Lexington Gold publishes operational activities update
Published by Will Owen,
Global Mining Review,
Lexington Gold, the gold exploration and development company with projects in North and South Carolina, USA, has published an update regarding its ongoing operational activities.
- Pivot Mining Consultants has been engaged to review, interpret and model the complete dataset, including data from the company’s recently completed Phase 1 six-hole drilling campaign, at the Jones-Keystone-Loflin Project (JKL), with the aim of working towards a potential maiden resource estimate on the south-western (Loflin) side of the project.
- All six holes from Phase 1 intersected gold mineralisation higher than 1 g/t Au above 100 m depth and included several broad shallow gold intersections.
- Depending on the results of Pivot’s review, a Phase 2 drilling campaign can then be designed for JKL to either: enable a maiden resource estimation; or to expand on any potential maiden resource estimate that can already be determined from the current database.
- Completion of soil sampling and rock sampling programme at the Carolina Belle Project.
- The rock samples have been submitted to SGS in Vancouver, with the soil samples submitted to American Assay Laboratories in Nevada.
- A drilling campaign is currently being planned for the Carolina Belle Project and dependent on drill rig suitability and availability, will be incorporated into the Phase 2 drilling campaign for JKL.
- Detailed modelling, interpretation and drill target generation based on the geophysical data acquired over both the JKL and Carolina Belle projects is being undertaken by Core Geophysics based in Perth, Australia.
- The company has successfully extended an existing 4.05 acre mining lease with an option to purchase agreement on the south-western (Loflin) side of JKL for an additional 6-month period to 17 December 2021.
Bernard Olivier, Lexington Gold’s CEO, comments:
“Further to the consistently good results we have seen across our first phase of drilling, the team is increasingly encouraged by the prospects for JKL and we are now preparing for a larger Phase 2 drill campaign to seek to move both the JKL and Carolina Belle projects further up the value chain.
“The multiple broad shallow gold intersections from the Phase 1 drilling clearly highlights the potential for a future open pit operation at JKL.
“We look forward to providing a further update once we receive Pivot’s guidance as to the potential for an initial resource estimation to be determined from the current database or requirements to achieve it. Pivot’s findings combined with the current drill target generation from the geophysical data by Core Geophysics and the forthcoming rock and soil sampling results, will enable us to prepare for, design and initiate a larger Phase 2 drill programme covering both JKL and Carolina Belle.”
Read the article online at: https://www.globalminingreview.com/mining/24062021/lexington-gold-publishes-operational-activities-update/
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