Ariana Resources reports latest drilling results from Kiziltepe Mine
Published by Will Owen,
Global Mining Review,
Ariana Resources plc has released recent and substantial resource drilling results obtained from the Derya area of the Kiziltepe Mine.
Kiziltepe is part of the Zenit Madencilik San. ve Tic. A.S. Joint Venture (JV) with Proccea Construction Co. and Ozaltin Holding A.S. and is 23.5% owned by Ariana.
- Drilling programme testing the central and south-eastern extents of the Derya vein system over 670 m of strike to depths approximately 130 m below surface.
- New significant intercepts within the vein system include:
- 4.2 m @ 6.07g/t Au + 98.2g/t Ag
- 7.1 m @ 2.23g/t Au + 11.3g/t Ag
- 2.5 m @ 6.07g/t Au + 71.8g/t Ag
- Confirmation of high-grade continuity to depths exceeding 100 m from surface within the central part of the Derya vein.
- High-grade potential at Derya includes the previously reported ‘Bonanza Zone’ intercept of 12.1 m @ 13.1g/t Au + 187.6g/t Ag.
- Further pit optimisation will be undertaken in the coming months to determine the next stage of open-pit development in this area.
Dr. Kerim Sener, Managing Director, comments:
“This is yet another substantial set of new drilling results from the Kiziltepe Mine exploration programme. Derya is continuing to yield higher gold grades, particularly in the central part of the vein system and in an area within about 50 m vertical depth below the current pit bottom.
“As the Derya pit continues to be developed, specifically towards the northwest, the pit is likely to be deepened to enable access to these higher-grade areas. Further pit optimisation will be undertaken in the coming months to determine the next stage of open-pit development in this area.
“It is also apparent that the Derya vein system links up with the Arzu structure, suggesting further potential to extend the limits of known gold and silver mineralisation between the Arzu and Derya open pits, the pit rims of which are only about 300 m apart based on the current mine plan. In addition, it is now apparent that the vein system, like Arzu North, comprises several sub-parallel vein structures and the gold mineralisation is not confined to a single structure.”
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