Codelco stops all projects in Northern District
Published by Jessica Casey,
Global Mining Review,
As part of the measures to face the COVID-19 health emergency that affects the country and particularly the Antofagasta Region, Codelco finds it necessary to paralyse the construction of all its projects in the area and operate the Chuquicamata Division only with Calama workers.
The demobilisation will begin to be implemented immediately or to the extent that the current shifts end, and will allow the decrease in displacement from other regions and the reduction of the density of the own staff and those of collaborators.
Since last May, all of the company's operations had already reduced its staffing by nearly 30%, through the application of telework for people with health risk conditions and those with feasible positions to do so. Likewise, the projects had reduced their activity to a minimum, carrying out the work that was feasible according to sanitary conditions.
With this measure, the construction of Underground Chuquicamata and other divisional projects will be completely suspended. The Chuquicamata Division operation, which from now on will be carried out only with personnel resident in Calama, will make efforts to maintain its productive level so as not to affect the resources it generates for the country.
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