Connemara announces results at Mine River gold project
Published by Nicholas Woodroof,
Global Mining Review,
Connemara has announced results from its Mine River gold project in Wicklow and Wexford, south east Ireland. Three holes were drilled in December, one at the Tombreen target and two at Gibbet Hill.
Assay results confirm 8 m grading 4.53 g/t gold (Au) at Tombreen, including a 2 m intersection grading 16.1 g/t Au. Mineralisation ranging from 0.17 g/t Au to 0.25 g/t Au over several intersections was confirmed in one of the holes at Gibbet Hill. Prospecting activities also confirmed significant mineralisation in the area around Gibbet Hill, with surface samples reporting grades as high as 5.08 g/t Au.
John Teeling, Chairman of Connemara, said: "This is a very strong result from the Tombreen hole. An 8 m intersection at 4.5 g/t gold would be very satisfactory but 2 m of 16.1 g/t gold within that is truly exciting. Tombreen is a known gold area but this is better than anything previously reported. The results at Gibbet Hill, five km to the south are encouraging. We knew the vein system extends through the ground, the good rock samples demonstrate the presence of gold, as does the low gold grades discovered in hole 1. It suggests more drilling to find the veins. We will now focus our work on the Tombreen, Knocknalour, Gibbet Hill area."
The 8 m intersection from 74 m grading at 4.53 g/t Au at Tombreen (17-TB-01) demonstrated substantial mineralised thicknesses. The best reported historical intersection at Tombreen was 50 cm grading at 21.28 g/t Au from 70.7 m (2558-3). The new intersection includes 2 m from 78 m at 16.1 g/t.
Drilling at Gibbet Hill 5 km to the south of Tombreen demonstrated gold mineralisation in one of the holes. Further surface sampling has provided further data to support significant mineralisation in the target area.
3 km to the south east of Tombreen, historic drilling at Knocknalour included six holes with results including: 40 cm grading at 19.9 g/t Au from 96.0 m (2554-2) and 30 cm grading at 10.45 g/t Au from 88.5 m (2554-3). Connemara's geologists believe some drilling may have terminated within mineralisation and, in light of the significant increase in the thickness of mineralisation confirmed at Tombreen, these results are being reviewed. Connemara also believes that historic core may be available.
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