Hexagon launches Mine Enterprise CAS Analystics
Published by Claire Cuddihy,
Assistant Editor
Global Mining Review,
Yesterday, Hexagon’s Mining division introduced HxGN MineEnterprise CAS Analytics, a web-based reporting and analytics platform that adds a powerful layer of safety to its portfolio.
MineEnterprise CAS Analytics monitors and controls critical risk events by connecting a multitude of data sources via live dashboards, visualising all aspects of the company’s collision avoidance system (CAS).
All mine stakeholders will now be able to access the right data at the right time, gaining unprecedented insight into a wide variety of safety scenarios and performance trends. Based on situational safety data, users can identify and analyse the root causes of failing operational controls.
Seeing safety data at a granular level empowers users of MineEnterprise CAS Analytics to drill down to locate vehicles operating under risk and vehicle types exhibiting higher-than-average numbers of incident events.
The tool’s alarm analysis module used together with situational analysis can help to reveal hazardous locations and operational flaws: dangerously close interactions at dump sites and low visibility at poorly designed intersections, for instance.
MineEnterprise CAS Analytics‘ optimised mobile interface delivers real time safety information on tablets or cell phones to supervisors in the field. This helps strengthen the integrity of daily, weekly and monthly performance indicators for safety process improvement.
“Accessing relevant data in real time is the key to operational safety success,“ said Safety Product Manager, Marcos Bayuelo.
“HxGN MineEnterprise CAS Analytics provides all the dashboards necessary for monitoring and minimizing accidents while also offering the tools to build and manage customised dashboards. The technology needed to create reports for short-interval control, daily and monthly safety management tasks, fleet management, personal protection, fatigue monitoring and vehicle intervention – it’s all at your fingertips!"
Read the article online at: https://www.globalminingreview.com/mining/09112018/hexagon-launches-mine-enterprise-cas-analystics/
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