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September 2017

The September issue of World Coal includes a regional report explaining how the US coal industry is faring under the Trump Administration. Technical features include: Underground Health & Safety, Explosives & Blast Optimisation, Crushing, Sizing and Vibratory Equipment, Coal Screening and Processing, Fuels & Lubricants, Mine Management and Coalbed Methane.

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Coal News

Industry View: Making Sustainability A Competitive Differentiator
Anne-Claire Howard, Bettercoal, UK.

USA: The Coal Hard Truth
Steve Doyle, BtuBaron LLC, USA, gives his opinion on recent developments in the US coal industry.

Keeping An Eye On Personnel Safety
Mark Sprouls, on behalf of Caterpillar Global Mining, explains how wearable RFID tags are keeping miners out of harm’s way by using personnel proximity detection.

Keeping Cool Underground
David Taylor, Aggreko, UK, presents a method for minimising the impact of extreme underground environments to maximise health and safety.

Harnessing Explosive Energy
Dave Hunsaker, Dyno Nobel, The Americas, introduces a new blasting technology that eliminates nitrogen oxides during mining operations.

Automation Is Now
Joe Bradfield, USA, on behalf of Atlas Copco, illustrates how different levels of automated drilling have reached a highpoint with multiple drills running from a distant operating location.

Prepare For The Long Term
Michael Borkowski, Telsmith, USA, outlines the importance of understanding bearing life in order to enhance vibratory equipment.

From Junkpile To Stockpile
Michael Rodgers, New Acland Coal, Australia, describes a new x-ray technology that is enhancing coal sorting.

The Solar Solution
Dr Thomas Hillig, THEnergy, Germany, details the potential for onsite baseload power generation with concentrated solar power (CSP) and fuel for mining operations.

Gliding Into Productivity
High-performance lubricants can help unearth productivity and profitability. Mohamed Mourad, ExxonMobil, Europe, Middle East and Africa, explains how.

Better Closure Through Paste Technology
Sue Longo, Golder Associates, Canada, explains how paste technology can help coal companies manage closure issues, involving coal combustion residuals, wastewater, mine water and subsidence.

Hit The Gas: Use It Or Get Rid Of It
Dr Ian Gray, Sigra, Australia, outlines how to determine a potential CBM reserve and optimal ways to develop it, or drain it to permit safe mining.

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