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September 2008

On this month's cover: At Phillips Machine we think outside the box. Come see our latest product: visit Booth 1475 at MINExpo 2008 for the unveiling of our new and unique Diesel Electric Hybrid Shuttle Car.

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Coal News
Coal News

European Review
European Review Dr Marion Wilde, Directorate General for Energy and Transport, European Commission, gives an overview of European coal.

Understanding Technology and Technological Change
Professor Marian Turek, Central Mining Institute and Kompania Weglowa S.A., Poland, sets out a vision for the development of technologies for hard coal mining.

Indonesian Development
Michael King reports on the challenges that lie ahead for the Indonesian coal industry.

Exporting Queensland's Coal
Leo Zussino, Gladstone Ports Corp. Ltd, Australia, outlines the port's development strategies in place to increase capacity in line with the rise in demand for Queensland's coal.

Ready to Grow
Hugo du Mez, the Port of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, discusses the expected growth in coal traffic and the factors that will drive it.

More than a Port
Erich Staake, duisport, Germany, tells World Coal how the port has changed over the past decade and what awaits it in the future.

Aussie Rules
Craig Eardley, Banlaw, Australia, describes some of the ways that the company can help mining operations to better manage their fuel usage.

Solution Evolution
Kris Kennedy, Brookville Equipment Corp., US, discusses the company’s major equipment innovations for underground mine railroads.

The Highway to Cleaner Coal Combustion
Simon Walker looks at some of the concepts behind one of today’s favourite buzzwords.

Capturing Coal's Future
Stephen Burgin, Alstom UK, discusses carbon capture and storage technologies.

Complete Handling Systems
Stefan Doetsch, Sandvik Mining and Construction, provides some case studies of the company's bulk materials handling services.

Product News
Product News

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