Moss gold mine begins commercial production
Published by Claire Cuddihy,
Assistant Editor
Global Mining Review,
US gold producer Northern Vertex Mining Corp. (Northern Vertex) has declared commercial production at the Moss gold mine in Arizona (USA), which became effective on 1 September 2018.
President and CEO of Northern Vertex, Ken Berry, commented: “Commercial production is a significant milestone for our team of approximately 100 men and women operating the Moss Gold Mine. In less than two years we were successful in obtaining financing, completing construction and achieving commercial rates of production.”
Production Guidance
As a result of the positive performance of the crushing plant, Northern Vertex’s operational team and their mining contractor N.A. Degerstrom, production is expected to be significantly higher than previously stated in the Feasibility Study.
The crushing team recently delivered a record day of 13 000 t (tpd) versus the 5000 tpd envisioned in the Feasibility Study.
General Manager, Bill Martinich, stated: “We’ve built a great operations team over the past 12 months and being able to push through commissioning to achieve commercial production is proof-positive of it. performance of the team at this level will enable us to exceed the gold production forecast in the Feasibility Study over the next two years.”
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