Tectonic reports Tibbs Gold Project results
Published by Jessica Casey,
Global Mining Review,
Tectonic Metals Inc. has announced mapping, prospecting, and sampling results from the Tibbs Gold Project, including a 27.9 g/t gold (Au) rock grab sample of granodiorite cut by sheeted quartz veins containing visible gold (VG).
This material represents a new style of gold mineralisation at Tibbs and is reminiscent of Fort Knox-style mineralisation observed at the adjoining Northern Star Resources Brink gold prospect, where historical 2013 diamond drilling returned 0.427 g/t Au over 514.4 m. The Brink drill intercept is situated within a multi-kilometre mineralised trend that extends onto the Tibbs property and shares the same granodiorite host rock, sheeted gold-quartz vein mineralisation, and gold-arsenic-bismuth-tungsten geochemical signature as the recently collected Tibbs rock grab samples.
Three distinct styles of gold mineralisation are now observed at Tibbs:
- Pogo-style high-grade gold-quartz veining at the Gray Lead prospect.
- Intrusion-hosted disseminated sulfides and stockwork gold-quartz-stibnite-arsenopyrite veining at the Michigan and Upper/Lower Trench prospects.
- Fort Knox-style intrusion-hosted sheeted gold-quartz-bismuthenite veins at the Jorts and Hilltop prospects.
Eric Buitenhuis, VP Exploration, commented: “While conducting our 2020 drilling programme at Tibbs, a team of geologists was de-ployed to map and prospect our two newly acquired Native-Owned Carrie Creek blocks, contiguous with Tibbs to the north and south. Our prospecting results demonstrate a new style of mineralisation and, significantly, a much greater distribution of gold mineralisation than historically known or expected. The presence of Fort Knox-style sheeted veins at the newly expanded Tibbs property represents a third style of intrusion-related gold mineralisation on Tectonic’s ground, confirming the presence of a well-developed mineralising system and providing an additional avenue for exploration targeting.”
Tibbs Gold Property - prospecting highlights
- Prospecting at Tibbs focused on the two newly acquired Carrie Creek blocks, located to the immediate north and south of the original Tibbs Gold Project and situated on Native Owned Land belonging to Doyon, Limited, one of Alaska’s largest Native Regional Corporations and the largest private landholder in the State of Alaska.
- A total of 115 rock grab samples were collected at Tibbs during the 2020 prospecting programme.
- Tectonic’s 2020 prospecting campaign identified the Jorts and Jeans Ridge prospects in the underexplored southwest portion of Tibbs. Rock grab samples at Jorts returned values from trace to 27.9 g/t Au, with fine grained (0.5 – 1 mm) VG associated with bismuthenite in sheeted quartz veins cutting granodiorite.
- Grab samples from Jeans Ridge, located 1.3 km northeast of Jorts, returned values from trace to 2.5 g/t Au.
- Gold mineralization in rock grabs at Jorts and Jeans is associated with high levels of bismuth (trace to 513 ppm) and tungsten (trace to >100 ppm, overlimit).
- Mineralisation at Jorts and Jeans extends along a ~4 km northeast trend and is on-trend with mineralisation found at Brink to the south-west, which hosts Fort Knox-style gold-bearing sheeted quartz veins and veinlets.
- The prospecting programme conducted this season represents the first exploration work completed at the two Carrie Creek blocks in over 20 years.
Read the article online at: https://www.globalminingreview.com/exploration-development/28122020/tectonic-reports-tibbs-gold-project-results/
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