Castillo Copper provides additional drilling results
Published by Jessica Casey,
Global Mining Review,
Castillo Copper Ltd has announced incremental shallow, visible copper oxide (malachite) and sulfide (chalcocite) mineralisation was recorded in six drill holes, with cumulative intercepts up to 12 m at the Big One Deposit within the core Mt Oxide Project.
Notably, this complements preliminary assay results for visually logged mineralised intersections in four of seven drill holes completed (BO_201 – 213RC) in the first tranche. The full assay results for the seven drill holes are currently being finalised at the laboratory and are expected to be returned shortly.
- A further six drill holes completed at the Big One Deposit all intersected visible, shallow copper oxides and sulfides up to 12 m indicating potential extensions to known mineralisation at depth providing a compelling case for scalability, including:
- BO_301RC: 12 m cumulative – 3 m from 28 – 31 m and 9 m from 32 – 41 m – Black copper oxides and malachite (oxide).
- BO_303RC: 10 m cumulative – 3 m from 25 – 28 m and 7 m from 28 – 35 m – Black copper oxides, malachite (oxide), and chalcocite (sulfide).
- BO_306RC: 7 m cumulative – 4 m from 93 – 97 m and 3 m from 99 – 102 m – Malachite, pyrite, and chalcocite.
- BO_305RC: 5 m cumulative – 4 m from 30 – 34 m and 1 m from 39 – 40 m – Malachite and chalcocite.
- BO_302RC: 3 m from 36 – 39 m – Black copper oxides.
- BO_304RC: 1 m from 81 – 82 m – Azurite and malachite.
- Castillo Copper's geology team undertook a thorough review of the sample trays and interpreted the following:
- Two to three zones of copper mineralisation are apparent within BO_301RC – 306RC.
- Malachite and chalcocite, apparent within BO_301RC, is within the supergene/transitional zone below the oxide layer and relatively close to historic workings.
- With chalcocite, pyrite and haematite observed, BO_303RC/BO_304RC are likely in the transitional zone.
- Identifying haematite and quartz alteration is significant, as large Mt Isa Block deposits are known to have haematisation and silicification linked with copper mineralisation.
- Assays results, which were fast-tracked, should be received shortly, while the Big One Deposit still delivers significant exploration upside with a further 22 drill holes to complete.
- A clearer picture of the Big One Deposit continues to emerge as the campaign evolves, with a shallow high-grade system apparent comprising grades up to 28.4% copper.
- As Big One Deposit was previously a mining lease (ML5481), with ~4400 t of supergene ore mined in 1997 yielding ~3.5% copper , CCZ’s Board’s current strategic intent comprises:
- Leveraging historic and current drilling results, model up a JORC compliant resource then apply for a new mining lease.
Castillo Copper’s Managing Director, Simon Paull, commented: “Confirming shallow, visible copper oxides and sulfides across six drill holes to intercept widths up to 12 m is an outstanding result. Encouragingly, it continues to build a compelling case for the scalability of the Big One Deposit and potential for known mineralisation to be extended at depth. Once the current campaign is complete, the board’s strategic goal is to model up a JORC compliant resource for the Big One Deposit then commence applying for a mining lease.”
Castillo Copper’s UK-based Director, Ged Hall, remarked: “We continue to build a compelling case for the Big One Deposit, as wide shallow intercepts with visible copper mineralisation is precisely the desired outcome. There are still a further 22 drill holes to complete in the current campaign, which delivers significantly further potential exploration upside ahead.”
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