Lexington Gold announce Carolina Belle sampling results
Published by Jessica Casey,
Global Mining Review,
Lexington Gold, a gold exploration and development company with projects in North and South Carolina, USA, has announced the assay results received in respect of its recently completed surface exploration sampling programme at the Carolina Belle Project.
- New gold anomaly identified over an initial surface area of approximately 350 m x 250 m.
- Individual surface rock assay samples returned up to 17 g/t gold (Au).
- 10 samples assayed in excess of 1 g/t Au out of a total of 37 samples.
- Selected gold assay results over 1 g/t include: 17 g/t; 5.1 g/t; 3.5 g/t, 3.2g/t; 2.7 g/t; and 2.2 g/t.
- A total of 270 soil samples were also taken and assayed on a 50 m x 100 m grid spacing.
- The soil and surface rock sampling programme successfully achieved the following:
- Evaluated and extended the known prospects within the Carolina Belle Project.
- Identified new areas of alteration and mineralisation.
- Identified additional drill targets.
Bernard Olivier, Lexington Gold's CEO, commented: "We are delighted to receive such positive assay results following our recently completed surface exploration programme at Carolina Belle. Having identified new areas of alteration and mineralisation, as well as additional drill targets, I am extremely pleased with the progress made as part of our initial exploration work at the project. With several gold assay results over 1 g/t, including one at 17 g/t, all from surface outcrops, we continue to be excited about the potential at Carolina Belle.
"In light of the promising results from the surface exploration programme, in addition to the historical mining information and grades achieved at Carolina Belle, we are hopeful that, dependent on drill rig availability and suitability, we can incorporate a comprehensive drill programme at the Carolina Belle Project into a planned far larger Phase 2 drilling campaign."
Carolina Belle Project background
The Carolina Belle Project is located in central North Carolina and comprises a total of 391.98 acres covering both the historical Iola and Uwarra Mining areas. Discovered in 1901, the area was mined almost continuously until 1916, collectively producing approximately 50 000 oz of Au until a dispute between the neighbouring mines of Iola and Uwarra prevented continued mining activities.
The project has several greenfield to brownfield exploration prospects with well-defined and potentially continuous zones of low sulfidation epithermal gold mineralisation already identified from the historic mines and surface workings. There is potential to extend the existing zones of gold mineralisation along the lithostratigraphic horizon and discover additional mineralised areas including feeder veins and alteration associated with a larger system.
Overview of surface sampling results
Soil sampling was conducted on a 50 m x 100 m grid, covering the entire 391.98 acre Carolina Belle project area. A total of 325 samples were submitted to American Assay Laboratories in Nevada, for processing and fire assay, including sample duplicates, blanks and standards. In addition to the soil sampling, 37 surface rock chip and grab samples were submitted to SGS laboratories in Vancouver, Canada for fire assay. The surface exploration programme is the first known systematic surface sampling programme to be conducted at the Carolina Belle Project and successfully evaluated, delineated and extended the known prospects within the project. The results from the surface exploration programme will further assist with the planning of a drill programme for Carolina Belle.
Read the article online at: https://www.globalminingreview.com/exploration-development/12072021/lexington-gold-announce-carolina-belle-sampling-results/
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