Updated Algold drilling results highlight high-grade gold potential at Salma
Published by Claire Cuddihy,
Assistant Editor
Global Mining Review,
Algold Resources Ltd (Algold) has shared its assay results from a trenching and pitting programme carried out during the first and second quarters of 2018 at the high-grade Salma Vein System and Eleonore zone located at the company’s Tijirit project in Mauritania.
The Salma Vein System (Salma), which was discovered in mid-2017, is located approximately 5 km northeast of the Eleonore zone. The Salma has been traced over a 10 km long mineralised structure situated at the prospective granite-greenstone contact zone.
Algold’s Executive Vice-President, Exploration, Francois Auclair, commented: “The ongoing trenching and sampling programme at Salma and Eleonore continues to intersect noteworthy results and highlight the significant potential of the Salma area to rapidly add substantial high-grade gold mineralisation at the Tijirit Project.”
- 85.0 g/t Au over 0.40 m true width from channel T18TRS103, a new area 750 m north of drill hole T18RC028.
- 13.21 g/t Au over 1.40 m true width from channel T18TRS96, next to grab sample A10417, which returned 127.0 g/t Au and reverse-circulation (RC) drill hole T18RC028, which returned 1.26 g/t Au over 3 m.
- 14.56 g/t Au over 1.65 m true width from channel T18TR001, a steep dipping vein located between the Eleonore South and the Eleonore Central zones, not previously tested by drilling.
- 4.67 g/t Au over 4.06 m true width from channel T18TRM03, a quartz-rich shear zone in the eastern part of Eleonore South, between two drill fences and to the northwest of current drilling.
The channel sampling and trenching carried out in 2018 successfully identified new gold-bearing structures within the mining licence area. At Salma, 93 samples were collected from 26 channels covering 56.3 m, in addition to the samples collected in 2017. At Eleonore, 1506 samples were collected from 14 new trenches excavated for a total length of 2964 m. The company is in receipt of the results for 776 samples to date.
Sampling at Salma was carried out predominantly in pits excavated by artisanal miners. The samples were generally taken at depths varying from 3 - 5 m in trenches (or pits).
Throughout Salma the mineralisation trends in a north to northeast direction and is associated with local shearing. Gold was found within quartz veins ranging in width from 0.2 - 3.25 m, located close to the contact of an intrusive granite pluton and the mafic volcanics. Locally, veins pinch and swell along the structure. Individual veins have been mapped for over 500 m, with parallel veins often recorded. The southern end of Salma has been termed Eleonore East. Various orientations were observed with flat-lying, shallow dipping, discordant and shear-associated veins recorded. Gold has been found in all of these structures.
Eleonore Trenching
The mechanical trenching at Eleonore was initiated in mid-April to assist in the geological and structural mapping of the Eleonore zone. The trenching programme, along with the current drilling programme, will be used to prepare an updated Mineral Resource Estimate, which the company expects to complete in 4Q18.
Salma Vein System and Eleonore Sampling Procedure
Channels were sampled in the weathered rock honouring geological contacts. Material was collected using hammer and chisel with care taken to avoid sampling bias. For trenches T18TR001 to T18TR014 at Eleonore, a composite sample was collected from continuous channels taken horizontally along the north-facing wall at the bottom of the trench Once collected, samples were dried, crushed, homogenised and split with 250 g samples sent to SGS Bamako for 50-g fire-assay analysis. Prior to sample preparation, quality control (QC) samples were inserted, as per Algold’s sampling procedure, to monitor the preparation and assay laboratory’s procedures.
New Prospect Jemelein Rock Chip Sampling
According to Algold, promising initial results have also been received from the Jemelein Prospect, located on the company’s exploration licence 1117B2, east of Algold’s mining licence. Auriferous mineralisation occurs in quartz veins/stockworks with associated pyrite within a felsic schistose unit with results returning up to 3.34 g/t Au. A mineralised banded iron formation grading 3.7 g/t Au has also been identified within the main shear corridor. Aeolian sand covers much of the prospective area, restricting the use of surface geochemical methods for exploration.
Drilling commenced in early May 2018 with two diamond core and two RC drill rigs currently in operation at Eleonore. The primary objective is to upgrade current inferred resources to the indicated category. The company is expecting to receive the first round of results at the end of June.
Read the article online at: https://www.globalminingreview.com/exploration-development/08062018/updated-algold-drilling-results-highlight-potential-of-high-grade-gold-mineralisation-at-salma/
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