Callinex discovers silver, zinc and lead at the Nash Creek Project
Published by Jessica Casey,
Global Mining Review,
Callinex Mines has recently announced the results from eight of 18 drill holes completed during the 2019/2020 drilling campaign at its 100% owned Nash Creek Project located within the Bathurst Mining District of New Brunswick, Canada. The Campaign totalled 3347 m of drilling to test 18 targets at the Nash Creek Project and an additional 733 m of drilling to test two targets at the Superjack Project.
The drilling campaign was highlighted by the discovery of a new silver zone 9.6 km along strike from the Nash Creek deposit. Drill hole NC19-306 intersected 19 m of 36.53 g/t Ag, 0.52% Pb and 0.38% Zn at a starting depth of 34.0 m including 3 m of 130 g/t Ag, 0.98% Pb and 0.16% Zn. Additionally, drill holes NC19-309, NC19-310 and NC19-311 intersected near surface zinc and lead mineralization across a 1.1 km trend in the Central Zone area.
Max Porterfield, President and CEO, stated: “We are excited by the initial results from the recently completed drilling campaign in New Brunswick. The near surface silver discovery highlights the prospectivity of the Nash Creek Project and requires immediate follow-up to drill test the extent of the mineralistion.”
“The Central Zone area warrants further drilling due to the results from three widely spaced holes over a 1.1 km trend. Each of these drill holes intersected zinc and lead mineralisation within 100 m of surface and above the cut-off grade outlined in the Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) published in 2018,” he continued.
Drill hole NC19-306 tested an Induced Polarisation (IP) resistivity low anomaly in the southern portion of the project and collared into a mineralised rhyolite flow/breccia. Of particular interest, is a resistivity and magnetic low trend which extends from the Nash Creek deposit southerly for 11 km and further highlights the location of the controlling fault zone. The company recognises the gap in 2018 IP survey and 2009 airborne Versatile Time Domain Electromagnetic (VTEM) mag data (4.7 km) may be needed surveyed to further correlate the strong resistivity low trend from the north to the resistivity low tested by NC19-306.
Three drill holes, NC19-309, NC19-310 and NC19-311, all intersected zinc and lead mineralisation east of the Nash Creek deposit associated with an IP chargeability and resistivity anomaly described as the Central Zone. These three widely spaced drill holes, which span 1.1 km, intersected geology and alteration that mimics a mineralised sequence that makes up the Nash Creek deposit, which is located 1.3 km to the west.
Results from these three holes, along with the extent of the chargeability and resistivity anomalies, suggests the Central Zone may host a significant mineralised lense(s) and follow-up drilling to further delineate this zone is required. Based on these results, a subsequent review of the 2009 airborne VTEM survey has highlighted a linear conductive anomaly (channel 15) along trend 4 km to the south of the Central Zone that warrants follow-up work.
Drilling Campaign Overview
The drilling campaign was designed to test regional exploration targets at the Nash Creek Project, which produced a PEA on Callinex’s New Brunswick assets in 2018. The drill targets tested were generated from an IP survey completed in 2018 and a 2009 airborne VTEM survey at the Nash Creek Project.
The Nash Creek Deposit consists of three shallow near-horizontal sulphide-rich lenses, which have been defined over 2.1 km of strike and are hosted in an altered felsic-mafic volcanic sequence. The company’s exploration success, to date, has utilised a 2011 IP survey completed over the three Nash Creek mineralised lenses. Recognising the regional felsicmafic sequence, which hosts the three deposits and extends an additional 20 km south, Callinex undertook an extensive IP survey in 2018 to cover the area of interest. From this survey, Callinex prioritised the target areas using the Nash Creek deposit’s IP signature of higher chargeability coincident with lower resistivity.
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