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How to Stop Forced Outages and Reduce Production Losses in Mineral Processing Facilities

Eliminate corrosion and erosion in heat recovery, waste heat boilers, baghouses, off-gas ducting, pyrometallurgical furnaces, cooling parts, and stacks.

Metal surfaces in these high-temperature environments suffer from hot corrosion, acid attack, solid particle erosion and acid dew point corrosion, among other wastage mechanisms.

Frequent replacement and welding repairs can become costly, lead to forced outages, and significant production losses. Any delay in permanently solving corrosion and erosion problems can lead to costly maintenance cycles as well as operational losses.

Furthermore, corrosion and erosion problems can lead to environmental concerns, contributing to pollution and can ultimately lead to penalties.

See how Mineral Processing Facilities eliminate corrosion and erosion in heat recovery, waste heat boilers, baghouses, off-gas ducting, pyrometallurgical furnaces, cooling parts, and stacks.

Learn more about material science behind the solutions described in this white paper and review case studies of applications in action.


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